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Ashampoo Photo Commander 16.3.1

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Ashampoo Photo Commander 16.3.1


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Ashampoo Photo Commander 16.3.1

Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 is available as a free download from our software library. Photo Commander comes with all necessary tools and effects for your photos and puts you in full control of your photo collection. Novices and photo aficionados alike will achieve brilliant results with just a few clicks. Ashampoo Photo Commander allows you to import, organize and edit photos fast and easily. Integrated batch-processing and automatic image correction makes managing and processing even huge photo collections a breeze. Always available and intuitive wizards guide beginners to instant success. Set your photo slideshows to your favorite music, work with MP4 and AVI files without the need for additional codec installations. Present your photos to friends and family as online galleries or on the go thanks to easy uploading to Facebook and other social networks.
Features of Ashampoo Photo Commander 16 Full

Intelligent filters and more than 60 stunning effects
Time-saving, automatic photo correction and optimization
45 fascinating design tools for maximum creativity
Ready to use and individually customizable greeting cards, web albums and calendars
Remove unwanted objects for immaculate photos
Find, present and enjoy photos faster

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